Schedule your appointments

As a shared calendar, Ouivmi allows you to record important daily appointments in just a few minutes and share them with your group

Save your important appointments

Visualize the appointments you have scheduled, either in calendar or schedule format.

Organize easily

Easily specify how often this appointment should occur, where it should take place, and set up when to receive a reminder notification.

Keep track of daily appointments

Whether you use Ouivmi alone or with members of your circle, our application allows you to keep an up-to-date list of important appointments that shape your daily life.

You can easily identify who should take care of it, where the appointment is located, set up necessary reminders, identify relevant contacts & locations, or even associate documents with it.

Manage your recurring appointments efficiently

Ouivmi features a recurring appointment system that you can customize to your liking. Whether they occur daily, weekly, or every three weeks on Wednesdays and Thursdays, the application adapts to your schedules and organization, no matter how complex.

Choose the display that suits you

The information regarding your appointments is presented in the form of a schedule or agenda. Thus, depending on your needs, you can choose the display that suits you best. The appointments for the day and upcoming ones are also visible on the home screen of your application.

Categorize your content

Ouivmi integrates a category system that allows you to visually organize your content, and you can associate a specific color with each category.

When an appointment is classified in one of these categories, the color of the category is directly reflected in the agenda/planning views.

This allows you, for example, to distinguish at a glance between your medical or administrative appointments.

Timely reminders

Ouivmi integrates a customizable reminder system that you can configure to your liking by specifying the date and time you want to receive a notification for the appointment you’ve created.

You can set up to 5 reminders for an appointment. You will then be notified on all devices where you use Ouivmi.