Keep an eye on your budget

Thanks to Ouivmi, you can centralize financial information, record expenses, and thus establish a precise budget.

Expense Tracking & Income Records

When multiple people are involved, tracking daily expenses can be complex to manage, especially if these expenses are related to the care and support of a dependent family member.

With Ouivmi, you can centralize financial information, record expenses, and thus establish a precise budget.

A summary system allows you to visualize the state of the operations you choose to integrate into the application.

Share Expenses

Ouivmi allows you to share the expenses you enter into the application with the members of your group.

With expense sharing, you can enter who has advanced money and automatically calculate how much other group members owe that person.

The application offers 3 expense sharing modes: equally, by amounts, and by shares.

Reimbursement Tracking

Good accounts make good friends. In addition to providing you with accurate expense tracking, our application also allows you to manage reimbursements that need to be made once expenses have been incurred.

Our reminder notification system ensures that no pending transaction is forgotten. This feature ensures a fair distribution of costs and helps avoid financial misunderstandings.