A collaborative application

Ouivmi integrates a group system, dedicated spaces that allow you to organize yourself, alone or with members of your entourage.

Spaces to organize yourself

Ouivmi integrates an essential feature: groups. These groups are dedicated spaces that allow you to organize yourself, alone or with members of your entourage.

Whether you use Ouivmi to assist a loved one or to organize your own daily life, all the information you choose to integrate into the application remains private and accessible only to the members you invite to your group.

You have the option to create up to 3 distinct groups. This way, you can create a specific group for organizing your own household, and simultaneously, set up another group to coordinate the daily activities of a dependent loved one, such as an elderly or sick parent, if applicable to your situation.

A messaging system is integrated into the application, allowing you to effectively separate everyday conversations from those dedicated to the specific organization you need to put in place.

Choose the organization that suits you

We prioritize the organization of information and its ease of access at the core of our concerns.

Our application offers you the possibility to effectively manage your daily tasks, essential appointments, indispensable contacts, as well as important documents. It also allows you to keep a precise track of your budget and the health of the person you are assisting. It is essential that you can easily retrieve this information when needed.

Ouivmi integrates a category system that allows you to classify all the information present in the application. Thanks to a color-coding system, you can spot this data at a glance.

Moreover, our information linking system allows you to create links between different elements of the application. For example, from your doctor’s contact sheet, you can instantly access the list of your past appointments and review the latest prescriptions you have scanned.

With Ouivmi, organization and access to your information are simplified to offer you an optimal user experience.

A personalized experience

Personalizing the experience is a priority for our team. Ouivmi offers a fully customizable dashboard unique to each user, allowing you to choose which information is displayed and in what order, based on your preferences.

Currently available in French and English, the application also gives you the option to set the currency that best suits your group within budget-related features.

An essential feature is the ability to use Ouivmi in offline mode. Even if you’re using it in collaboration with other members of your circle, your data will automatically sync once you regain a network connection.

To stay informed about all activities within your group, Ouivmi integrates an advanced notification system. You can choose to be notified for each activity, or conversely, disable specific notifications according to your needs.